Welcome to the Faculty of Mathematics.
Study guide 📖
Here you will find everything you need to know about your studies. Information on enrolment, details on the registration phase, information on the StEOP and deadlines ATTENTION, there are several versions:
Specialized studies (BSc)
In two versions, winter semester (WiSe BSc Leitfaden) and summer semester (SoSe BSc Leitfaden).
Teacher training program (BEd)
There is only one for the winter semester (WiSe BEd Leitfaden). It is not recommended to start the BEd in the summer semester. More details can be found on the last page of the WiSe BEd.
Help us! Student representative work 🤩 and let us know.
Unfortunately, these only exist in German. If you want to help us to translate them, check out
The Erstitut is recommended at the beginning of your studies. These are weekly (social, not mathematical content) meetings of up to five groups on (ideally) Mon.-Thurs. The idea is to connect new students with each other so that they can learn together during their studies. At the same time, you get to know higher-semester tutors who can help you with questions. (note, the Erstitut is mainly in the winter semester. In the summer semester, there is a “Questitut” sometimes, but not always, as there is not very many new students in the summer semester.)
For more infos to the Erstitut [[Erstitut|click here]].If you miss the Kick-Off Event (the kick-off event) or you only found out about the first institute later, you can still join the first institute!
Food 🍴
A very important topic. Where can you eat? Popular options are listed here.
Here you can get advice regarding your study, or student life. There are certain opening hours. Here you can print scripts very cheaply (for a donation) and find caffeine in any form. Journaldienst
We have a FAQ page for you, where you can gather some additional information.
Student representative work 🤩
Would you like to join us and organize events for your fellow students, as well as help with general organizational matters? Come along to the Plenum. These are weekly meetings of the Roter Vektor Mathematik.